Graduation Speech 2007

        Your Excellency Dr. Saeed El-Tal, Distinguished Guests,

Administration, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends ad Family and the Graduating Class of 2007,

       It is with great honor and privilege that I stand before you as the Speaker of the Class of 2007, I’ll be the first to admit that I am not the smartest in the grade. I’ll be the first to admit that I am no better than anyone else. What I can, however, and will proudly admit, is that it has been hard work and dedication that has brought me before you today.

        I am up here to represent our class in a reflection about our time here at AMS, and to thank all those who have helped us conquer the teenage chapter in our Book of life.

       I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m tremendously excited about next year. Soon you will be starting a new way of life armed only with what you have learned so far. You will have to make decisions, solve problems and do things as an adult. That’s a challenging thought, isn’t it? Are you prepared for it?

      Today you are leaving behind your school friends. Don’t forget them because they are a part of what you are. So stay in touch, attend school reunions, and make that call. If you do, you will keep those friends, as the friends of your childhood are special.

     You have created your own personal history over the past 17 or 18 years. Your education and the community of AMS have shaped that history and therefore will always be a part of your story. Remember the times of difficulty and times of great success; they will help in your coming challenges.

      As time passes, new experiences create new chapters to your personal history and they will start to play an increasing role in your future. But there will be moments, when you come back to your time in AMS to gather strength to push you forward. Remember that when you need to know where you are, you only have to look at where you came from.

      Graduation day is a day for stars in your eyes and dreams in your heart. I hope that you will work hard to make those dreams come true. Nobody else can do that for you. There is, though, nothing sweeter than success due to hard work.

      So today I urge you to celebrate because today is a day for celebration.          I want you to be happy because happiness spreads. I would like you to enjoy yourselves because we should make the most of every fleeting second. Someday your children may ask, “What was it like in the good old days? “  I hope you will remember today and say with great conviction, “That was a good day, they were happy times.”         


       All the best .

      Ahmad Abu Arja

       Class of 2007