Graduation Speech 2008

          Dearest families and friends, distinguished faculty and schoolmates,

         As I stand here, I see before me the eager faces of the young men and women for whom this school has been a second home for twelve years. I know that many of us come today with a mixture of emotions. All of us are happy to be here celebrating a major milestone in every person’s life; that which marks the passing from one stage to the other; from childhood to adulthood. But at the same time, many of us are a little sad. We are sad because we come here to say good bye to this place of countless memories, both happy and sad, but nonetheless memories that shape the individuals that others will know us to be in the future.

      I still remember my first day at school. I was very hesitant to go inside, but the love and affection provided by the teachers made me feel comfortable for some reason, and it ended up being a wonderful experience from then on. I think it is safe to say that that was my first adventure as a child, and since then this school in one way or the other, has given me many more adventures and taught me how to deal with them in the future.

       It’s hard to believe how fast twelve years can pass by; it feels almost like a dream now, a nice, sweet dream.

Our school was founded twenty five years ago, and has been providing our society with talented, intelligent and skilled graduates many of whom today help build this beloved country of ours and continue to make it a better place for the future generations to come.

      With its gifted faculty and exceptional administration, this school provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to find their way in this world, and become successful individuals in the society wherever their paths might take them.

       But for some of us, it is time to say good bye to our school, our teachers, and some of our friends , but let’s never forget the beautiful years we spent in its classrooms and between its halls be that lights our way in the future .

       On behalf of all the students of the Arab Model Schools, I would like to first thank all the teachers who patiently helped us with our study throughout many years, and who above all worked very hard to teach us what’s right from wrong. We know … that without you we know noting. I would like to also thank Dr. Fathi Abu Arja for being such a role model for hundreds of students, and want to especially thank Ms. Lamia for being as kind as a mother to many of us.

       Finally, I can’t find the words to express my gratitude for being given the opportunity to express my feelings towards this wonderful place. Oh , and I’m also sorry for being a naughty student .

We love you all.

     Rana Kurdi



Graduation Speech

         Fellow graduates, principals, friends, teachers, and parents. It’s an honor to me to be standing in front of all of you on this special occasion. Twelve years have passed, but actually it feels like yesterday.

         I my saying these words with mixed feelings, varying between deep sorrow for leaving my school and great excitement about the coming phase. It’s really hard to say goodbye to the school which we spent our childhood in, the school which opened its doors for us.  It’s also hard to say goodbye to the teachers who were more like a family to us , who had the responsibility of teaching and educating us and who took a great part in shaping our personality .

        It’s said that there is no place like home, but to tell you the truth, AMS was like a home to me. I want to thank everybody who paved the road for us and helped us to be who we are today. Thank you teachers for everything you did for us.

        Thank you friends for being supportive in difficult times, and thank you family for showing unconditional love.

        Today is the day we enter the real world.  Today, one door will be closed and another will be opened. We are moving to another chapter of our lives and we’ll be armed with knowledge, love, and the lessons we learned at AMS.

        Good memories will be with us all through the new chapter. So thank you again AMS. Colleagues cheer up, go and find out what life is hiding for you.  Go and chase your dreams.

Good luck

Hadeel Arafat

Class 2008


Graduation Speech

         Good evening parents, principal, teachers and the graduating class of 2008. lt is an honor to speak to you all today on behalf of my class.  This evening we are celebrating two great occasions; the graduation of class 2008 and our loving school’s 25th anniversary. As the graduates of previous years felt, this year has been academically tough for all of us but has also been exciting and full of new experiences. The friends we have made and the groups we have formed have become very important parts of our lives and it is going to be difficult to say good-bye to, and as they all say one must go on.

       Now that I think about it, I have been attending this school for the last twelve years. The time I have spent at Arab Model Schools will be the longest time I will ever spend in one place during the rest of my education. Unlike the majority of my class I have never been to another school, A.M.S is all I know. Even though I do not have another school to compare with I can still say A.M.S has been an amazing learning environment for me.

        During the time I spent at A.M.S exciting events and activities were held. I will never forget the trip we made to Aqaba last spring, nor the drama sketches we participated in, and many other things. These were all unforgettable memories that will stay with us forever, and hopefully guide us and prepare us for many years to come.

        The next phase of our education will be the unfamiliar place called university or college. We will enter being known as ‘smurfs ‘but hopefully we will all graduate as mature adults. Unfortunately in September many of us will go their separate destined career path and as we meet new people and learn new things I hope our experiences and memories from our time at A.M.S will stay with us.

       I think A.M.S has been a great beginning in our lives that has prepared us for our future. However, I am one of those few who haven’t decided on a university specialization that takes me through my higher education phase. Do I want to study graphic design or become an interior decorator? Although our future seems quite far away, we are slowly approaching it for we have now completed the first stage of our education.

       I would like to thank all of the teachers that taught me over the past twelve years of my life. Leaning at A.M.S is a positive experience and I hope this school will remain the respectable establishment and will prosper for many years to come.

      Thank you mum, dad, teachers, classmates and especially my friends for making my last year a memorable and awesome one! This year has honestly been one of the best years that I have had in my life.

       A .M. S you will be forever remembered!


Hiba AL –Khatib

    Class 2008


Graduation Speech

        Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear teachers,

        Our Dearest Guests,

        I am honored to be speaking today on behalf of my graduating class as we stand upon a crossroad that leads us to a new chapter of the book of our lives. We embark upon an adventure of self-discovery and hard work that will lead us to a bright and promising tomorrow.

       As I look back at the years I have spent at AMS, I have to brush away my tears as I am going to truly miss this extraordinary institution that gave me and my colleagues the confidence, wisdom, courage and education to face the world with whatever challenges it has to offer, and gave us the guidelines to become productive and respectable members of our community.

      The memories of my dear school will always be with me and shall provide me with the guidance and courage I need to withstand life’s multiple challenges. Looking at the future, it seems like we are ready to take a step towards a new dawn and a shiny tomorrow filled with hopes and dreams.

      I would like to take this opportunity to thank our guide, mentor and teacher Ms Lamia for her love, understanding and support, and for all she had given to all of us. She will always be in our hearts and thoughts.

      I would also like to thank Dr. Abu Arja for all the great assistance, support and guidance he had provided throughout the years. He was like a father to us, always there whenever we needed him.

     This school stood by us and was the candle to light our path and the leader that led the way and the hand that held our little hands and took us to safety.

      I am very proud to present to you the class of 2008, the young men and women of tomorrow who owe a lot to this school. We thank you a lot for making us who we are today and who we will be tomorrow.


Rana AL- Kurdi / Spokesperson of

              Class 2008